Person Training Allows me to Help Others
I am often ask what drives me as a personal trainer. To be honest; I am driven by my family. Not because they are fit and healthy, but because for the most part they aren't as healthy or fit as they could be. I often joke that if you can think of a disease or illness my family has it. My DNA has me surprised to even still be alive. From stroke to heart disease, diabetes to cancer, seizures to kidney failure; my immediate family has it all.
I have always loved sports and fitness. I grew up playing sports as did most my siblings and cousins. We ate well enough, but there was no conversation of nutrition in my house hold. We used whole milk, butter, lard, and everything else delicious!
I grew up in foster care and didn't get to really be around my family until I was graduating high school. Lucky for me my grandma lived in the city I was headed; University of Nebraska- Lincoln, NE.
My grandma had a heart attack when I was in college. I was just getting to really know her and she made me feel so alive. My youngest sister lived with my grandma and this allowed me to get to know my sister better too. We would go to the mall, we would look at wigs and hairstyles, and she'd tell me about the qualities I should find in a husband. She was a hard worker, had a great since of humor and would make me these cake batter cookies that I've never been able to successfully replicate.
I didn't know at the time, but this was not her first heart attack; though it was her last. A quick nap between jobs and she never awoke.
I was angry and upset. I wanted more time with her, why didn't I know she was sick, how could this have been avoided. I started to research and found that exercise and diet can reduce the risk of heart disease; I began to get more serious about my own health.
About 3 years later I lost another grandma. This time the culprit was Type II diabetes. Also a risk that can be lowered through exercise and diet.
It was clear, the world needed me to spread the word. So I am driven to help others live a more active healthy lifestyle to lower their risk of disease. More recently, my Aunt had a heart attack and I about freaked out. She didn't know she was having one, she had said she didn't feel well. Speaking to her on the phone I asked her to tell me more about how she was feeling. I was in panic as she explained because I new these symptoms. I didn't want to alarm her so when she gave the phone to my uncle I told him to call 911 right away. That she had described her not wellness and I had reason to suspect something serious. I'm so glad he took me serious. She was indeed having a heart attack when the paramedics arrived.
She recovered and changed her lifestyle. She cut pork and reduced fat in her diet, she lost weight, increased her walking etc. I last saw her 6 months ago and things were good.
A month ago my world dropped again. She had a massive stroke. I dropped everything to head to Nebraska. By the time I arrived there was so much swelling in her brain the had to sedate her and cut her skull open to allow room for the swelling. This provide to provide no success and by the end of the week some that means the world to me was no longer here.
I am driven, but I'm still just one person trying to make a difference by teaching my clients and family better habits and offering support where I can. I am me and that means passion. I truly love what I do for a living and if I a make a difference in just one person’s life; I am winning.
Photo by Michael Brooks, makeup by Shaniqua Pender