Online Fitness, Health and Wellness at all stages of life!

MAXFIT 360, LLC is an innovative fitness company created by, fitness leader, Kaylin Payne. The aim of this company is to bring the best training, attention and passion to helping people live a fit, active and healthy life.

With a love of fitness and passion for sports MAXFIT 360 centers around sports-style fitness. MAXFIT 360 is total fitness geared towards helping you find your inner athlete at all stages of life. Don’t let age, weight or ability stand in your way. MAXFIT 360 offers fitness training solutions for the individual AND for small businesses looking to offer their employees a wellness option. Our online fitness, health and wellness programs are fun and will get you in shape and keep you fit for all stages of life. Work at home… or anywhere!

With a results based model each client will be challenged to achieve their own best version of themselves through guidance, coaching, support and self accountability.

MAXFIT 360 offers personal training, online coaching, nutrition counseling, online small group classes, obstacle race training and a Basketball program (currently on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions).  

No commute. Skip the gym bag. Workout from home or anywhere!

Make your dreams a reality! MAXFIT 360 offers online personal training and online coaching, small group classes, seasonal sport programs, and more.

Contact Kaylin today to get started!

Filtering by Tag: Abs

Exercise and Low Back Pain

On July 17, 2021 I gave a Facebook Live discussion on the topic of exercise and back pain. As I mentioned in a previous post, it is important to me to provide you all with quality information that you can use to improve your fitness, health and wellness. I choose this topic because I get asked a lot of question about exercise and pain either in the low back or other areas such as the knees and shoulders. You can check out the Facebook video on my page

The recommendation

You might feel like resting, but moving is good for your back. Exercises for lower back pain can strengthen back, stomach and leg muscles. They help support your spine, relieving back pain. However, if you have chronic back pain it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor to make sure there is not a medical underlying condition such as degeneration of the lumbar spine. often referred to as lumbar degenerative disc disease in which is a syndrome where age related wear and tear on spinal disc causes low back pain. Depending on the cause and intensity of your pain – some exercises may not be recommended or could even cause more harm than good.

In general exercise is great for low back pain and as you move and the muscles warm up discomfort should start to dissipate.  and as you get stronger your low back will likely bother you less often. It is also important to note that not all back pain is caused by the muscles in the low back. Poor posture, tight hip flexors, weak glutes, weak hamstrings or tight hamstrings and over dominate quads can also contribute to back pain. As well as having a weak core in general. I classify everything from your nipples to your knees as a part of your core, front, side and back. And we do want to strength all of these areas, however not all exercises are going to be helpful.  

NOTE: if pain is more than mild and continues to last more than the first 15 minutes of your workout it is likely time to speak with your doctor.

 There are many exercises one can do to help reduce back pain. Sometimes simply getting up and taking a walk can help, dancing, or even getting active in a sport that forces the whole body to utilize direction change, acceleration and deceleration and stretching through movement.

The Exercises

Today, I will start the conversation with four exercise out of many to try and four that you might hold of on until you have a stronger core.

I am a strong believer that everyone needs to exercise, however not all exercises is for everyone. this is true for back pain as well. You should aim to do some exercise, however not all exercises are going to be helpful. And some may aggravate your pain.

Some exercises to skip when you have acute back pain:

1)    For some the hyper flexion of the spine while bending towards the floor to touch one’s toes might cause pain levels to increase. This is because in this standing position a greater amount of stress is placed on the disc and ligaments in the spine which can also overstretch the low back muscles and hamstrings.

2)    Sit-ups can cause problems because though they can strengthen core and abdominal muscles most people tend to use their hip flexors to sit-up. In addition, if your low back is bothering you the sit part of the movement may put a lot of pressure on the discs of the spine.

3)    Double leg lifts- if your core is weak and you are experiencing back pain this may not be the best move for you at this time. This is because it is a challenging move to do and can put a lot of stress on the low back in turn making the pain worse.

4)    Kettlebell swings- Although a great exercise for some can really bother others. Especially if you have degeneration OR if you are using poor form.  

Some exercises to try when you have acute back pain:

1)    Partial crunches – lie with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. You can cross arms over the chest or pace them behind your head/neck for support. Contract your stomach muscles and lift the head up off the floor. Hold for a second, then slowly lower back down. Aim for 8-12 reps. As you lift your shoulder blades aim to keep the low back pressed into the floor. Keep your feet, butt and lower back on the ground the whole time.

2)    Hamstring stretches- lie on your back and bend one knee and keep that foot on the floor. Loop a towel under the ball of the foot for the leg that is in the air. Straighten the knee and slowly pull the towel until you feel a stretch in the back of the leg. The goal here is to find the stretch and hold it, don’t force the stretch. You do not want pain just a stretch. Aim to hold the stretch 30 seconds on each side. Repeating it 2-4 times on each leg.

3)    Wall sit- yes, this is a quad focused exercise, but it also encourages good posture and proper spinal alignment which a traditional squat may not get you into. Stand 10-12 inches from the wall, then lean back until your back is flat against the wall. Slowly slide down until your knees are bent just less than 90 degrees and make sure your lower back is pressed into the wall. Also keep your head against the wall with your chin parallel to the floor and your chest up. If you have severe rounding of the spin you may need to pace something such as a firm pillow or yoga block behind your head to help you have a point of contact. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds repeating 3-4 times. Please use a flat wall, ideally a mirror free wall.

4)    Bird-Dog-

a.     Option A: Start in table top position. Hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Tightening the stomach muscles left and extend one leg out behind you. Aim to keep a neutral spine, free of low back sag. Hold 10 seconds and then alternate. Aim to keep your hips level. If you remember to keep the big toe pointed down this should help with form.

b.     Option B: Add the arm raise to the previous position. Opposite arm and leg extension. This exercise is a great way to learn how to stabilize your back during movement of the arms and legs. Raise the arm and legs as high as you can, stopping just before the low back is unable to hold the proper positioning.

Competing in Figure

As a personal trainer and coach fitness has always be my passion. But even I am still growing in this lifestyle. October of 2013 took me to my first Bodybuilding Competition. I decided to compete in Fitness America Pagent as a bikini competitor and a Fit Model Competitor. I placed second in both categories. I felt amazing. I had themewear and it really was a Pagent! But I wanted to compete in a federation that looked for a bit more muscle with a little less themewear because that first show nearly broke my bank account into pieces.

Backstage at Muscle Mania October 2013

Backstage at Muscle Mania October 2013

I switched to the NPC. Being judged only on my physique is not an easy thing. I didn't fit into their bikini division, so I added more muscle and went back as a Figure athlete. I placed 2nd in my class and became a Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. I never felt more awesome! 

NPC Atlantic States June 2014  

NPC Atlantic States June 2014  

Many exciting things in my career, education and competition life await me. I'm consistently wanting to be better. For now I am working on competing at a National Show for the chance to earn my Pro card. I don't have an exact show scheduled, but I know 2016 will be full of adventure.

I have even branched out into helping other Figure and Bikini competitors train and get ready for a show. My first client placed 1st at her first competition in Figure in Brooklyn this past October. I'm so proud of her and the effort she put into following my plan. Being a coach isn't always easy, but it is rewarding. I am still in awe of the Summer and Fall I've had. 

If you are thinking about competing please know it is a tough road and each person has their own journey. But the motivation behind such an amazing adventure must be personal. The training is intense, the cardio is relentless, the nutrition is specific and at times redundant and you will need to be selfish with your time. Preparation is essential to success. I'm looking forward to helping more clients reach their dream of competing as well as reaching my level of pro status. So many new adventures for me to take MAXFIT 360! 

NPC Brooklyn Grand Prix 2015. Kaylin with client Desiree at Desiree's first competition  

NPC Brooklyn Grand Prix 2015. Kaylin with client Desiree at Desiree's first competition