Online Fitness, Health and Wellness at all stages of life!

MAXFIT 360, LLC is an innovative fitness company created by, fitness leader, Kaylin Payne. The aim of this company is to bring the best training, attention and passion to helping people live a fit, active and healthy life.

With a love of fitness and passion for sports MAXFIT 360 centers around sports-style fitness. MAXFIT 360 is total fitness geared towards helping you find your inner athlete at all stages of life. Don’t let age, weight or ability stand in your way. MAXFIT 360 offers fitness training solutions for the individual AND for small businesses looking to offer their employees a wellness option. Our online fitness, health and wellness programs are fun and will get you in shape and keep you fit for all stages of life. Work at home… or anywhere!

With a results based model each client will be challenged to achieve their own best version of themselves through guidance, coaching, support and self accountability.

MAXFIT 360 offers personal training, online coaching, nutrition counseling, online small group classes, obstacle race training and a Basketball program (currently on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions).  

No commute. Skip the gym bag. Workout from home or anywhere!

Make your dreams a reality! MAXFIT 360 offers online personal training and online coaching, small group classes, seasonal sport programs, and more.

Contact Kaylin today to get started!

Walking Can Help Relieve Stress

Moderate exercise can enhance our mood and reduce our risk for health problems.

Walking might be just what the doctor ordered for relieving the stress associated with life events.

“Getting moderate exercise such as walking can enhance our mood while it strengthens our hearts and reduces our risk for diabetes, cancer and numerous other health issues,” says Julie Garden-Robinson, food and nutrition specialist with the North Dakota State University Extension Service.

The research has shows that walking promotes the release of brain chemicals called endorphins that stimulate relaxation and improve our mood. Best of all, walking does not have to be done at a fast pace to have stress-relieving benefits. Even a stroll at a comfortable pace promotes relaxation, studies indicate.

Moderate exercise can enhance your mood and reduce risk of health complications. Now that’s a win win!

I recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days of the week. If you are new to getting your body moving you may need to build up! Maybe you have a hectic schedule and large chunks of time to move your body is a challenge. Well, even 10- or 15-minute increments of physical activity can have positive health benefits.

I recommend getting outside for your walk, however, walking for fitness or stress relief can honestly be done almost anywhere you feel safe… a shopping mall, a treadmill, or indoor track at a local community center, or outdoors.

It is important to keep an eye on chronic stress with the goal of reducing chronic stress. This is because ongoing stress puts us at greater risk for developing physical complications, including heart disease and some types of cancer. Stress can also have an effect on your appetite. Making weight management a challenge.