Online Fitness, Health and Wellness at all stages of life!

MAXFIT 360, LLC is an innovative fitness company created by, fitness leader, Kaylin Payne. The aim of this company is to bring the best training, attention and passion to helping people live a fit, active and healthy life.

With a love of fitness and passion for sports MAXFIT 360 centers around sports-style fitness. MAXFIT 360 is total fitness geared towards helping you find your inner athlete at all stages of life. Don’t let age, weight or ability stand in your way. MAXFIT 360 offers fitness training solutions for the individual AND for small businesses looking to offer their employees a wellness option. Our online fitness, health and wellness programs are fun and will get you in shape and keep you fit for all stages of life. Work at home… or anywhere!

With a results based model each client will be challenged to achieve their own best version of themselves through guidance, coaching, support and self accountability.

MAXFIT 360 offers personal training, online coaching, nutrition counseling, online small group classes, obstacle race training and a Basketball program (currently on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions).  

No commute. Skip the gym bag. Workout from home or anywhere!

Make your dreams a reality! MAXFIT 360 offers online personal training and online coaching, small group classes, seasonal sport programs, and more.

Contact Kaylin today to get started!

Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

It's that time of year where people ditch the gym in favor of holiday parties, shopping for gifts or just because...  

Gaining weight this time of year is common. In fact, many people gain as much as 7-9 pounds and spend the better part of the following year trying to get the weight off. For a person that already has weight to lose this can often lead to feelings of shame and frustration. 


It's that time of year where people ditch the gym in favor of holiday parties, shopping for gifts or just because...  

Gaining weight this time of year is common. In fact, many people gain as much as 7-9 pounds and spend the better part of the following year trying to get the weight off. For a person that already has weight to lose this can often lead to feelings of shame and frustration. 

Well, don't throw the towel in. Here are some ways to stay in control this year. 

1) Eat a regular breakfast and lunch. Do not skip meals in favor of saving calories because this may backfire later. People that don't eat tend to over eat later or become so hungry they make poor choices when it is time to eat.  

2) Stay committed to your workouts. People that train regularly and keep their fitness up through the holidays are more likely to remain in control of their food intake.  

3) Log your food. This can take getting used to. But I believe in the if you bite it, write it mentality. The act of writing down everything you eat makes us more aware of what and how much e are eating. For many this alone helps people eat fewer calories then they otherwise would have. 

There are many great tools to make tracking food easier. Many of my clients use as an easy to use nutrition tracker. Personally in like the community aspect of, both are web based and offer smart phone applications to make logging that much easier. 

4) Stop eating when you are no longer hungry. The holidays bring special treats and many tasty dishes. It is okay to eat these, but when you are no longer hungry stop eating. Ask yourself if you're eating it because it taste good r because you are hungry. This awareness towards your food can also help you know when to stop and save you from unwanted holiday pounds.  

5) Treat yourself to the gift of fitness by investing in your own health and well being. Try a new class at a gym, signup for sport lessons, try personal training to help you stay accountable and to your goals and to keep you from skipping workouts.  

MAXFIT 360 offers all of these services.   The services page tells you more about each program and allows you to book your own training sessions right on Kaylin's calendar! How cool is that?! 

To make it even better personal training is current a spot light allowing you to take advantage of one on one attention to reach your goals.  

Private Training:

5- Getting Started sessions $450

10- 1 on 1 sessions $980 (get 1 additional session FREE)

20- 1 on 1 sessions $1800 (get 2 additional sessions FREE)

Holiday special offer ends December 31, 2015.  

Holiday special offer ends December 31, 2015.  

If you want to jump start your fitness with a 21 Days Fitness Challnge, check out a friend of mine Soji James. He is a trainer I have worked with in the past and hope will get the chance to do so in the future. He is high energy, lots of fun and he might even sing a song or too! He embodies that fitness should be both effective and fun spirit just like me. Checkout him out!

So see with all these tips and ways to get in fitnes you CAN manage your weight this holiday season!