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Writing Blogs and Falling Off the Wagon

Despite my best efforts to write blogs more often, I have once again missed this goal. The thing is I am doing so much in my day to day that like most people, I find ways to procrastinate.

As you all know, I am always transparent with you. I did a lot of writing in the late fall/early winter. Some of it was blogs I started and did not complete. I believe there is four of those. I also submitted about 8 articles for magazine publications. And to finally be published is an amazing feeling.

However, something happened to me in February. I went down the rabbit hole. Frustration, depression and anxiety that I had been keeping at bay took a hold. I couldn’t shake it. The cold icy dark days did not help. I found myself unable to function. I would wake up, train my clients and teach my classes. I got everything done that needed to get done urgently. And when that was over, the last thing I had energy for was writing. I wanted to sit in a dark room. I wanted to sleep. My mental wellness took a beating. The overload of everything that has happened to me since COVID-19 hit the scene, the over saturation of the violence in our country (black lives, shootings, etc.), the devastating natural disasters and my own family issues and business struggles weighed on me. Not to mention, I don’t think North Carolina is for me which creates a feeling of being trapped. All so overwhelming. That’s it. I am overwhelmed.

At some point in late April I decided I needed to dig myself out of the hole. I started to feel like if I didn’t get up, I would be buried alive or equally as bad; put on medications. I needed to strive to the top. I started making myself so things I would normally not need to force. I put on a smile even when no one was looking. I took the time to shave my legs and put on eyeliner so I looked put together.

I started writing again. I submitted three articles which I hope will make a future magazine edition. I was have been present with an opportunity to write for another health and wellness online news outlet. More on that later in a future post. The piece I am writing is due in just a few weeks. I want you all to have a reason to read the articles and my blog. So I don’t want to much crossover material. However, it is a big deal to have the honor to submit my writings.

I recently connected with a former employer, friend and personal I respect deeply. She reached out to being together a group of like minded business owners to create a wellness hybrid. A place to support not just each other but our network of clients. I was able to give a presentation this past Wednesday on how to “Jump Start Your Healthy”. It was a great event. Perfect for helping others which always makes me feel good. It is also a way for me to build presentation skills and hopefully continue to introduce people to me and my fitness brand, MAXFIT 360, LLC.

Oh, and I have a short e-book coming out in a few weeks! Another amazing milestone. The book is with a proofreader and editor as we speak. I have three more e-books that I will hopefully complete by the end of the year. Keep an eye out because I hope you will read them.

So, what’s next? I do want to write more. Especially for my blog. I think realistically I can commit to posting once per month. If I get more often than that is okay. But I don’t want less than. I will think of this the way I think of my month running plan. My target is to get all my mikes in each month. No matter what. If I go over, no big deal, but going under is not acceptable.

I am drastically trying to drive my business ahead. I know that writing is key. Not just for magazines and news outlets, but for those of you that know me or want to know me. Fitness, health and wellness is what I do. It’s who I am. Teaching, coaching and helping others is why I wake up. It drives me even when I am down. I want to make sure that I am here for you.

Starting in June, I will hold a weekly short Facebook live session. In these sessions I will talk about a fitness, health or wellness topic. The sessions will then get recorded and eventually land on my YouTube channel; which is another sad blank canvas. I have so much knowledge and passion. I need to get it out there. So just like my blogs I am scheduling time to give you all this information. I hope you will find it valuable.