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Finishing the year Fit!

Its that time of year when people ditch there workout and fit life plan for holiday parties and treats. I've seen it to many times before.   

So, what makes this year different? This year I'm holding my clients more accountable. Most of them are on a team collectively trying to win a free session. This is done by staying active December 7th through January 3rd. A 4 week fitness run. My clients are competing against other trainers and their clients to be the fittest team. My workouts can help them as well. 

The first day of the challenge is wrapping up and so far I'm impressed with the number of exercise logged. In fact I saw 50% of my clients in the gym today doing their homework. It was a proud moment. I will assist my team, but I cannot win it for them... I'm excited to see where we end the year. There is workouts to be done!!!